Lakom Magazine

Between Music and Humanity: Dr. Tony Karam, an artist linking Lebanon with the world

With an unwavering commitment to music, Dr. Tony Karam, a specialist in gynecology, reflects on the pivotal decision he made at the beginning of his university studies at The George Washington University School of Medicine, to separate his artistic path from his professional one.


Discovering his passion for music at at the age of two, Dr. Karam diligently practiced daily throughout his life,  dedicating the same enthusiasm to his medical specialization. He isolated himself artistically outside Lebanon for fifteen years, presenting musical evenings and celebrations mainly in the United States.


The year 2002 marked a much-anticipated return to his homeland after establishing himself professionally. Bringing with him an array of international relationships, he devoted and continues to dedicate them to serving Lebanese artists and humanitarian causes. This commitment extends through various activities that converge music with other arts, emphasizing excellence in projects presented to instill a renewed artistic culture.

Regarding the details of these celebrations, Dr. Karam explains that the primary goal is to assist Lebanese artists, especially the youth, making them an integral part of his celebrations. For example, artworks of twenty-six artists were showcased during a musical evening at The Peoria Riverfront Museum, in Peoria, Illinois, USA, followed by a month-long exhibition and a subsequent public auction—a rarity in the United States.


One of his recent artistic achievements occurred about a month ago, where his solo piano performance was  accompanied with an exhibition of the private art collection of Mrs. Alice Walton, the heiress of Walmart, at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.  He also orchestrated a permenant display of a painting and the installation of a sculpture/Christmas tree at the Ritz Carlton DIFC Dubai, where an exhibition for seventeen Lebanese artists will take place, another first.


Dr. Karam graciously shared with our platform the announcement of his upcoming musical celebration, scheduled for February 24th in Abu Dhabi, coinciding with the month-long exhibition in Dubai.

Despite the complex economic and security situation in Lebanon, he successfully organized more than 30 exhibitions last year, including hosting five foreign artists who spent a full week in Jbeil, presenting their works through a collective exhibition. The possibility of exchanging experiences with Spain is being explored, but it depends on the overall situation in Lebanon.


He does not expect financial compensation or remuneration for his organizational or musical performance efforts. Instead, he finds passion in meticulous and careful preparation for these occasions, aiming to be a source of pride and joy for all participants. Most events are held for charitable purposes, with proceeds benefiting various entities such as the Lebanese Red Cross, homes for the elderly, university tuition for students, and providing medication for cancer patients, among others.


Dr. Karam emphasizes his meticulous care for his patients, who are an absolute priority. His passion for art is always fueled by his ability to manage time perfectly where boundaries are respected between passion and profession.


He refrains from confining himself to specific titles or setting boundaries for his personality. He is not just a doctor or an artist but Tony Karam, the human being who loves playing the piano and wishes the best for Lebanon and its artists.

Article by Ghada Abou Adal

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